Camera Shot/Angle/Movement
The camera in Final Destination 3 is very strange as it shows us various shots around a circus but the ways the visual effects are displayed suggest that something bad is going to happen e.g. death, murder.
The camera also goes through an object and then follows a metal ball through something that looks like a metal maze, and as it goes through the maze the camera tracks the ball as it roll past three holes with a word written on them.
The first one says luck, the second one says fate and the third says death which is the one that the ball falls into, and as the camera falls it fades to show three characters on a ride.
The sound in Final Destination 3 is very disturbing as we hear non-diegetic sound that matches everything on the screen such as the ball movement, but at the same time there is a very distressing background music that is played all the way through the opening sequence.
The editing in Final Destination 3 is very technological/ frightening as each shot is done in such a way that it scares us and impresses us at the same time.
The shots are very in sync as when the ball starts to roll down the metal maze the camera constantly cuts to the shots of the things around the circus such as the ferrous wheel and then it cuts back to the maze.
Mise en Scene
The mise en scene in Final Destination 3 is mostly the same kinds of things such as rides and random pictures and objects from around the circus.
There is a lot of strange things shown in the shots such as at the beginning a fortune teller machine is shown with a fake women and a collection of cards.
Then after that there is a picture of a cartoon character in red that looks like it’s meant to symbolise the devil.
There are no characters in Final Destination 3 until the end of the opening sequence and all we see is their heads as they go down on a ride in the circus.
We can’t really establish whether or not they are the main characters and who they are as all we see and hear is them having fun on the ride.
The location for Final Destination 3 isn’t really obvious as there is not really any clues to what state it is but from what we see I can say that it is set in an American town which is considerable wealthy that why there is a circus in their town.
The plot of Final Destination 3 isn’t that obvious from what we see in the opening sequence but from what we see such as the strange scenes of the circus I can say that all we see suggest the murder of people like a massacre.
The themes of Final Destination 3 are death, horror or murder as the strange scenes suggest the death of someone.
The metal ball in the maze also suggest it series of horrible things happening as in the maze the words luck, faith and death are printed.
Visual Style
The visual style in Final Destination 3 is good as the when the camera was focuses on the horse ride there was an effect that looked like a glitch or quick flash of light.
Final Destination 3 is a horror/thriller as it as the normal conventions such as death and the use of the colour.
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